
Our School Franchise

Join the movement at the Big Feather International Pre School Franchise in Shalimar Bhag, New Delhi. Where We,re reshaping early education by making learning accessible and holistic for all young learners. Big Feather International is a profitable preschool franchise in New Delhi, Which is progressively expanding and growing its chains all over india. Our Pre School franchise strives towards ensuring an environment that nurtures young minds, is based on harmony, and imbibies the right values.Our Pre School franchise strives towards ensuring an environment that nurtures young minds, is based on harmony, and imbibies the right values.

The process to become a partner is very well calibrated by our experts, well-trained educators, and teachers, as well as parents by way of engagement in the holistic development of early-age kids. Big Feather International Pre School is dedicated to giving the best possible start to the kids' school life. Become a part of our team to help establish Big Feather Play School and Day care franchises all over India. Join hands today and collaborate with us to make preschool and day care accessible for children. We have developed an affordable model for our preschool franchise, requiring low investment for overall establishment and functioning, that too without compromising much on the high-quality standards for excellence in learning.


Franchise Model Overview:
Our franchise model is designed to empower entrepreneurs and educational enthusiasts to own and operate a Big Feather International School with the guidance and support of our experienced team. Here are the key components of our franchise model

Comprehensive Support:
Initial training for the franchisee and staff.
Ongoing training sessions and workshops.
Continuous academic and operational support.